Client Service

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A culture of client-centricity is at the heart of the Wayfoong Financial Limited thought and decision-making process. Whether this is in training employees, continuing to embed the principles that our customers should be treated fairly at all times or actively seeking the views of existing and potential investors and their underlying customers, client satisfaction is the key basis on which success is judged.

Wayfoong Financial Limited has a fundamental belief in openness and collaboration – in the power of sharing knowledge. ‘Knowledge. Shared’ not only applies to our interaction with our clients but also at an investment level, with managers maximising opportunities and sharing ideas. At Wayfoong Financial Limited our aim is to share our investment knowledge by communicating the views of investment managers to clients in an appropriate and timely manner, and to keep clients updated of changes in portfolios and how our managers are thinking.

Sharing knowledge also means working with clients through long-standing relationships built upon trust. By properly understanding their challenges and evolving needs, Henderson seeks to shape products and services to deliver market-leading solutions for our clients’ futures.